Imbolc Message: Embodying the Mother and the Son/Sun
1 comments Posted by obscurevisions at 10:30 PMHey folks.
So tonight, I did a solitary Imbolc ritual. As this Greater Sabbat recognizes the growing strength of the Sun, in my personal tradition I have blended it with the Kemetic mythos by using it as an opportunity to honor Aset (Isis) and Heru sa Aset (Horus). At this time of year, the Sun begins to grow in strength, preparing itself to return to the Earth and begin to overtake the darkness at the Spring Equinox. This is a good parallel to the time period where Aset protected Heru from his uncle Set, who wished to cause him harm so that he could not reclaim the throne and avenge his father's death. Aset nurtured her son, helping him to grow stronger each day to prepare for his coming duties.
The message I received from my Imbolc ritual tonight was quite clear: Now is the time for us all to embody the Mother and the Son. It's not a gender issue, it has nothing to do with that- it's all about the role you play in other's lives, and the role they play in yours.
From Aset, I have learned this lesson: Embody the mother in the lives of those you care about. Support them, love them, nurture them, and be their undying source of friendship and compassion, to help them achieve all they wish to accomplish in life. When the land is dark and desolate, be their light, their source of warmth and love. Be their hand to hold, to push them to succeed, to encourage them that they are capable of doing anything they wish to achieve. Be their unshakable foundation, their rock.
Heru has taught me this: Embody the Son/Sun in your own life. As the Sun grows in strength and vitality, soon to bring life to the land which has been dormant and sleeping all winter, may you also awaken your inspiration, drive, motivation, and determination. May you manifest within yourself the power to accomplish all that you wish to achieve in the coming year. And in addition, may your friends embody the mother for you, and help you to grow strong in your endeavors. The time for slumber is growing short, and the time for action is now. It is up to you to make your own happiness.
These are the messages I have received tonight, ones which I feel we can all benefit from hearing. Blessed Imbolc to all!
BB )O(