Hotep (peace) everyone,

So I know I said I'd probably be pretty much dead on YouTube for a while, but apparently- I lied. ;)

No, actually I just got a really good idea for a video while I was laying in bed last night, and thought you all might be interested to hear about it. This two-part video is basically a disambiguation of Egyptian hawk Deities, as most people have a misconception that Egyptian + hawk = Horus, when this is most certainly NOT always the case. As such, I give a breakdown of how to tell the difference between Heru-sa-Aset, Heru-Wer, Ra, Ra-Heruakhety, and Khonsu. This is by all means NOT the only hawk deities you will run into in any studies of Egyptian Gods, but they are pretty well-known.

I also speak a bit in the end about syncretization and how I view syncretized deities... and give a pretty tasty analogy. xD Enjoy!

Senebty (May you be healthy),


Part 1:

Part 2:


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