Em hotep (in peace) everyone,

Some of you may have noticed that my YouTube channel has finally bit the bullet, so to speak. ;P I decided to leave a very small few videos on public, many were made private and some were also deleted. I had the full intent of entirely closing my channel down to start anew once my place in my new spiritual path is established, however I did not want to lose many of the videos I have done in the past- namely, those that pretty much chronicle the growth of my relationship with my significant other over the past 2 years.

Anyway, no new videos will be going up on my YouTube channel. It is essentially a dead channel, though I thank you all again for the wonderful 3 years or so you have given me on YouTube. I am not, however, leaving the internet altogether- that's pretty near impossible for me! My blog will remain, and I will continue to voice my thoughts and opinions here in a context where there are no 'expectations' or haters breathing down my neck everytime I open my mouth. I will try my best to keep you all updated, especially on my new faith- Kemetic Orthodoxy.

Speaking of which, the KO beginners' class just began last week, and so far things are going wonderfully! We had two chats regarding the lesson material this week, both of which I was fortunate enough to attend. The Kai-Imakhus ("Exalted Reverends") who are running the chats are incredibly intelligent people, and it's quite fun to get to pick their brains ;P I've also begun performing the central rite of the faith, called "Senut," every evening that I can. It seems that since the class has started, though, many of the familiar Names (Gods) I had significant interaction with previously have kind of "backed off" to let me explore and learn on my own. I'm hoping that with my continued prayer and activity in the class that they or any new Names will make themselves known to me, or at least just drop in and say hello every now and then. It's been quiet for a week or two, but I'm keeping my eyes/ears/mind/heart open ;P Apparently this is a similar experience to what many go through during the beginners' period, so I'm not worried in the least. I've been waiting for this class for around 5 or 6 months, so this is a really exciting time for me. I'm finally on my way to having my Rite of Parent Divination (RPD) done, and then my Shemsu-naming. Nekhtet (victory)!

Senebty (may you be healthy),
