Em hotep (in peace) everyone!

So, I realize it's been a good amount of time since I last posted here. I apologize, most of my focus has been elsewhere at the moment. During this month of winter break Cody was here about half the time to spend the holidays with me and my family, and the other half I was focused on the KO Beginners' class.

Speaking of which, the beginners' class just ended the end of December. :) There's been a bit of waiting involved with the administrative stuff getting wrapped up, but I received the Final Graduation Questionnaire, subsequently filled it out and sent it to the Nisut (AUS). I elected to stay a part of the community as a Remetj ("friend of the faith") - that is, for now. I have every intention of undergoing the Rite of Parent Divination as soon as it is possible/convenient for all parties involved, and then receiving my Shemsu name. I am incredibly excited about these experiences and have been spending quite a bit of time pondering the possible results. I've also been performing the Rite of Senut on average about 1-2 times a week, and just started attending Fellowship chats. All in all it has been (and is) an incredibly rewarding, spiritually fulfilling experience!

On another note, tomorrow (bright and early... yay) I start my final undergraduate semester of college. On Saturday, May 8th, I will be walking across the stage to receive my BS in Computer and Information Science, and graduate cum laude (with honors). They base your honor status upon the semester previous to the one you graduate in (as the profs really can't get your final grade in time for the ceremony), so I'm already locked into that. :D I am SO excited to finally be done with undergrad... but I'm not excited about starting the semester tomorrow. I already got 2 of my course syllabuses...syllabi... sylla- whatever x.x, and I already have been assigned 3 projects for the semester. Not fun. Not to mention that my Tuesday and Thursday classes require me to wake up at 6:30 so I can be out the door at 7:30 and get there before 8 AM. The tradeoff is all my classes are done that day by a little after noon, and I have a good hour and 45 minute break between the two morning classes I have scheduled for those days. Mon/Wed/Fri, I have a solid block of 3 courses from 12 - 3. Not bad at all, assuming I'm not buried in books and struggling like last semester, I may be able to enjoy my final stint at college and have some semblence of a life. ^.^;

...After graduation, I really won't have much down time. At all. In an effort to increase my possibility of being able to go to Tawy House (Temple of the KO faith) for the New Year's retreat known as Wep Ronpet, I elected to start work at the beginning of June. That way, it won't be so terribly bad to ask for maybe 3 days off in August (Interesting tidbit: The Kemetic New Year is calculated in accordance with the rising of the star Sirius, also called Sopdet... hence the summer date). I'm excited to be out on my own, ALL on my own, for the first time- but I'm also pretty scared. I need to get a credit card, so I can actually build credit... and learn how to keep track of bills, how to do my taxes, all of that nice wonderful FUN stuff. I also have to find a new doctor, dentist, gyno, eye doctor, oil change place, etc etc. Oh, did I mention an apartment? x.x One that will have outrageous rent in excess of 1K a month due to the expensive area I'm moving to? Yeah. Part of me is eager to be on my own and part of me is afraid of all the responsibility. I guess that's just what comes with growing up. I just hope I do well at my job, people like me, and I can contribute substantially to the company. I don't want to be a grunt worker- I want to IMPROVE things, make them better, bring creative ideas to the table. I know eventually to move into management I'll need to go back to school for my Master's, so I'm keeping that in mind as well.

Anyway, that's all for the moment. Hope that gives you a nice update of what's been up with me.




  1. Anonymous said...
    Hi, I reciently gave you an award for your wonderful blog. You can check it out at http://ausgaia.blogspot.com/
    -blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...
    Bad news, girl. I don't wanna lose you. Jesus doesn't, either. But He shall if you continue this horizontal idolatry/witchcraft which'll hit-you-in-the-ass when it comes 'round again. Don't do this, girl, and condemn yourself. The Devil wants YOU to practice all kindsa sorcery and converse withe dead to get mighty, and, after when you believe you don't need God anymore, you'll croak, and two things'll happen. After you rise to get Divinely Judged (at the general judgment), Jesus shall condemn you for not obeying Him, casting you out; the Devil shall be filled with everlasting glee, seeing you fall down to the Abyss where you'll thirst eternally for the Trinity. But find Him, you will not --- Here's what you need to do to save-thy-soul: find a church, preferably Roamin' Catholicism, take RCIA, repent and believe. You don't have that long, girl, and you AIN'T immortal. You're a sinner like me. Your choice, your demise. I love you. That's precisely why I'm doing such a flagrantly bellicose objection. God bless --- Here's some Latin fer ya: JUSTORUM ANIMAE IN MANU DEI SUNT ET NON TANGENT ILLOS TORMENTUM MORTIS (the just [wo]man shall be in everlasting rememberance). Be at peace.

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